Rabu, 29 November 2017

Iran Wrestler Avoids Fighting Israeli

Iran's government paid tribute on Monday to one of the country's wrestlers who threw an international bout when he was ahead because winning would have meant fighting an opponent from Israel.
The Islamic Republic does not recognize the Jewish state, placing it in the same "Great Satan" category as the United States, and forbids its sportmen from competing against Israelis.
The story of wrestler Alieza Karimi Mashiani has struck a chord on social media, with many in Iran backing his stance but some also opposing it.
His bout was in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz on Saturday, in the 86kg category of the under-23 world championships.
According to footage posted online, Karimi Mashiani looked well ahead in his bout against Russia's Alikhan Zabrailov but then let himself be easily beaten.
The Iranian athlete seems to abandon the fight completely and lets himself be easily beaten.
The Iranian athlete seems to abandon the fight completely and lets himself be dominated after a voice shouts out in Persian: "You must lose, Alireza!"
The hashtag #youmustlose was trending on Monday in Iran, with comments both for and against his actions, some of them hostile to Iran's athorities and others saluting his stand.
While he may have forfeited a podium place in the tournament, Karimi Mashiani did receive the backing if his governtment and the Iranian wrestling federation.


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