Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

VW Withdraws Ducati Sale

Volkswagen AG (VW) halted the possible sale of its Ducati motorcycle unit amid persistent opposition from its powerful labor groups, according to an Italian union leader.
"Ducati's CEO told workers Friday that the VW supervisory board decided to halt the sale process," Bruno Papignani, regional head of FIOM CIGL uinion, said. "IG Metallic sustained and helped Ducati workers in their request to remain inside the VW group which should keep investing in our company."
Volkswagen considered selling Ducati as part of an asset review that started last year to examine options for operations that aren't a fit for its car and truck focus. A Ducati official declined to comment on the sale process, while VW spokesman Eric Felber said the company doesn't comment on market rumors.


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