Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Fox To Bring Disney Cash, Cricket In India

Walt Disney Co.'s expected deal with Twenty-First Century Fox. inc. would give the world's best-known entertainment company new advantages in India, such as cricket rights and local-language TV shows for the fast-growing media market.
Through the US$75 billion deal, which a source said is expected to be announced Thursday morning, Disney would be able to distribute its programming on Star India, operator of 69 TV channels in eight languages, as well as the popular Hotstar streaming service. Disney also would gain global rights to professional cricket.
"It is an amazing opportunity to get into the best developing market in the world," MoffettNathanson analyst Michael Nathanson said, "but it is highly competitive."
Netflix Inc. has been offering its streaming service in India for nearly two years, and Amazon.com Inc.'s Prime Video has been courting customers there for one year.
Global expansion is important to Disney because its largest United Statea network, ESPN, has been losing subscribers as audiences migrate from traditional television to digital viewing.
India represents the second-largest subscription TV market in Asia, with 154 million households in 2016, according to consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers, which projected that number will grow to 167 million in 2021.
Disney did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Fox declined to comment.

Reuters/New York

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